Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Potato's!!

Today I dug up three of my potato's. I planted about five potato's a few months ago, just hoping I might get a few potato's from the plants. Well today I got a big surprise when Grace spotted a potato peeping out of the soil.
My Mum said it would be ok if I dug it up. Well this is what I got (theres a picture of the plants too).

I was so surprised when I saw heaps more potato's as I was digging up the other three.

One reason why I like growing potato's (this would be my fourth season when I've tried to grow potato's) is all you have to do is put the potato's in a dark place, forget about them, rediscover them (by now they should have roots growing out of them), plant the potato's and watch them grow, I mean you don't need to do anything at all really.

You guys should give it a go. You might be surprised :).


Annie said...


Annie said...

Hey Naomi.

You know how you took the photo of they praying mantis? Well I thought it may look great as your header page? If you think my idea is stupid just say so.


Naomi said...

Thats a great idea!!

Though I can't choose which one looks better.

I have a poll going to choose.

Tully said...

Those spuds and plants are familiar I wonder why???