Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There we are, all fixed

I fixed it!!!!
These are some crazy pictures our Dad sent home from work.


Enbrethiliel said...


Hahahahahaha! Some people just make things more dangerous for themselves, don't they?

I'll admit that I love the shopping cart-turned-barbecue-grill and the rake-turned-multiple-sausage-roaster! =) Sometimes ingenuity is very cute.

Naomi said...

Sorry it took me a while to reply, My family and I have been away for a little while.

Annie said...

Hey Naomi.
This is Annie.
The photos are awesome!!!! =]
My Dad sometimes sends home photos like that!!!


Naomi said...

Can you email me later Choppy???

Annie said...

Hi Naomi.
This is Annie.
Sorry about the Choppy thing.
Someone touched something and changed Deb to Choppy.
I am going to try to change it to Annie.
Can you email me and tell me how????

Miss you love,Annie.

Annie said...
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Annie said...

Hi Naomi.
I fixed it!!!
I can have my name instead of Choppy!!!!