Hi! I found your blog via your big sister's. I can type 73 words per minute - woo! I reckon that test was pretty hard, I didn't like how it changed when you finished the end of the 'paragraphs'. Thanks! That was a great distraction from my study! [no, really!] Love the blog, Theresa
Hey Naomi.
I can type 43 words per minute.
Mum can do 86 words per minute! =D
Talk later.
Love, Annie.
I type 27 words per minute!
Hi! I found your blog via your big sister's. I can type 73 words per minute - woo! I reckon that test was pretty hard, I didn't like how it changed when you finished the end of the 'paragraphs'.
Thanks! That was a great distraction from my study! [no, really!]
Love the blog,
Thanks for having a look at my blog!!
WOW you are a fast typer!! As you can see I am very slow.
Hey Naomi,
I can type 31 words per minute.
Thats faster than me.
I ended up doing 30.
I'm glad you can read by blog at last.
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